On pronterface you have to select the com port (com5). You have to make sure cura isn't running as it may grab com5. And you have to set the baud rate which I think is 115,000 (roughly) baud. Then I think you hit a connect button or something. If it works you will see a stream of gcode listing the settings of the umo printer (like steps/mm and max speed and max acceleration).
Anyway - since you have the ulticontroller I strongly recommend not using USB cable and using only SD card which slides into the ulticontroller. Put the gcode file onto the card and put the card into the printer.
That way a windows update, or sleep screen (or 100 other similar issues on windows) won't crash your print.
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gr5 2,268
You are doing great so far. It's visible on COM5 so that's critical. Note that many applications might tie up this port and only one can use COM5 at a time. is it possible you launched other software (e.g. a second version of cura)?
1) Do you have an ulticontroller on your UMO? It's a display that shows a few (4?) lines of text and has a knob to go through the menus. If so then you are better off using the SD card. Save your gcode files sliced on cura to SD and then print with SD.
2) For communication between a computer and a UMO, Cura is minimal. It has the absolute minimum of features and capabilities as none of the currently sold UM printers use this feature. So instead, if you don't have an SD card on your UMO, I recommend using printrun/prontrface. It's free and full featured and MUCH better at seeing obscure COM ports (e.g. I don't think cura will acknowledge COM11 but pronterface will):
printrun/pronterface/prontrface download:
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iBenx_Neb 0
Thanks for responding. I do have the Ulticontroller, but the spacers weren't included so we're making some. When I connect the USB to the Pronterface, it just says 'Connecting' but never connects. When I get the ulticontroller built, I'll update you. Thanks.
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