Thanks for getting back so soon @burtoogle,
Here is a photo of what my slice looks like, you can see the weird travels
I have downloaded your version from your dropbox and it gives me a different issue with artifacts lower down...
I have also re attached a saved (not exported) version of the project file. Lamp Shade 3.25.3mf
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burtoogle 516
Hello @summerso, welcome to this forum. The file you provided isn't actually a project file, it only contains the model and not your settings. You need to do File -> Save, not File -> Export to create a project file (I know it's confusing, they like it that way!)
Anyway, I sliced your model using my Cura variant and I think it looks OK, there's no weirdness near the top and almost 0 travel moves in the whole file. Mind you, my Cura works somewhat differently to UM Cura so I can't guarantee that you will get the same results using UM Cura. If you wish to try mine, you can find the releases at Please read the file before installing and using.
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