On 7/26/2020 at 10:25 AM, tinkergnome said:
Prusa firmware displays the filename in the status line while printing from SD-card. Other messages are ignored until the print finishes.
With other words: this specific post-processing script is probably not very useful for original Prusa printers.
This is untrue. PrusaSlicer does have the option to insert remaining time in Gcode, so that latest Prusa i3 printers display time remaining instead of elapsed time above filename.gcode on screen.
As for PrusaSlicer 2.2, the option is located in Printer Settings → Supports remaining times.
The tooltip states "Emit M73 P[percent printed] R[emaing time in minutes] at 1 minute intervals into the G-code to let the firmware show accurate remaining time. As of now only the Prusa i3 MK3 firmware recognizes M74. Also the i3 MK3 firmware supports M73 Qxx Sxx for the silent mode."
Therefore, for Prusa i3 MK3 and MK3S printers, the question remains: is it possible for Cura to do the same, and how? If Cura cannot do it currently, then when?
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tinkergnome 929
Prusa firmware displays the filename in the status line while printing from SD-card. Other messages are ignored until the print finishes.
With other words: this specific post-processing script is probably not very useful for original Prusa printers.
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