Hi Mari i have checked this and I Have the correct printer selected. The maximum size print i can get is 197 x 197. cura bed size is at 220x220 i am at a loss as to why it wont slice bigger than 197 mm any ideas anyone ??
tinkergnome 929
It should be possible to print something that is 205mm in the 220x220 buildplate-setting of the Ender 3 (Pro).
Sometimes options in Cura are of influence of what can be printed and what can not be printed, one of these options is "Build Plate Adhesion - SKIRT".
I have set my printer to 220x220, imported an object and scaled it so it it 205mm wide...
Skirt active, not able to slice:
Skirt NOT active, able to slice:
I checked my previous printer settings, that was 235x235 for my Ender 3 Pro...
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Mari 38
Did you select the Ender 3 Pro or the Ender 3 as printer when installing Cura? The restricted areas on the Ender 3 profile are a little bigger as on an Ender 3 Pro!
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