I will upload a wireframe and STL later.
When sliced like the picture, yes it will be full of infill, but I don't want infill in this case. It's not needed for strength and it adds print cost. Also, unless I use like 60% infill or more, I still can't print the smaller holes because they will end up between the infill lines, where is still no support underneath them, and you can't extrude plastic into thin air.
The holder is closed at the bottom. It's a big block with blind holes punched in the top for the drill bits to sit in. The problem is that the drill bits don't go all the way through the block. So no matter what orientation you put the block in, the holes are impossible to print because it's basically a cylinder sticking into space. And there's no way to put support underneath the holes because Cura won't put support inside the model, only outside of it.
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Smithy 1,146
I am not sure if I understand it, so please upload the STL if possible.
Is the holder closed at the bottom? Because when you print it in normal orientation like on the first picture, there should be infill inside of the object.
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