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Posted · Cura Feature Request (unless I'm missing something)

My printer is on the other side of the room, so it would be nice if, when you abort a print you didn't have to walk over to the printer and confirm that you stopped the print. Seriously, when monitoring the print it would be somewhat miraculous to open the "manage in browser', click the ellipsis, and select abort print...by accident. Even if they did, why can't there

be a popup that asks (like the printer) "Really?".


The other nicety would be to confirm removal remotely. I have had instances where I confirm on the printer, go back to the computer, send the print...then realize that nothing is happening because the confirm removal is on the touch screen again.


Been using Cura for about a year and those are my biggest gripes.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura Feature Request (unless I'm missing something)

    I assume you are talking about a network-connected Ultimaker printer - so it is actually a firmware thing, not a Cura thing.


    However, the S-line printers and also the Ultimaker 3 familiy have that behavior for good reasons. It is crucial, that the user confirms that the build plate is empty - doesn't matter if the print was aborted or properly finished. If it wouldn't stop at that point, it would continue with the next print job in the queue.


    As the internal camera does not show the complete build plate when the print bed is fully down, the only safe way to do this is to request that confirmation on the printer itself.


    There is one possible exception I see. When a print was aborted before any line was actually printed (could be a simple boolean flag in the firmware), aborting a printer could skip the removal-request.

    Edited by Dim3nsioneer
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