tinkergnome 927
I think it is not necessary to duplicate the model. Simply select a different extruder for the cutting mesh (in addition to any other setting of you like) and you're done.
Like in the following instructions:
"In the example below, we print the 3D model with extruder 1 and its print settings. We print the modifier mesh with extruder 2 and all its print settings. This allows adjusting the print profile per extruder which will be reflected in the 3D print."
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jazzychad 1
To give the concrete example, I have a piano keyboard model. I tried multiplying the model, then adding a support blocker as a cut mesh to each instance which would prevent the "wrong" portion of the model from being printed in that color. So far so good, but if I try to merge or overlap the models to align the keys, the support blockers of each overlap the other model and everything cancels out, leaving nothing to be printed!
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