Thank you. So Extrusion Width = Line Width = Nozzle diameter?
What is the different between setting the infill angle to be 45 degrees vs. -45 degrees? Currently I just put [45].
Thank you. So Extrusion Width = Line Width = Nozzle diameter?
What is the different between setting the infill angle to be 45 degrees vs. -45 degrees? Currently I just put [45].
Correct. Cura uses (not for all printer profiles) 7/8 of the nozzle diameter per default, so for a 0.4 nozzle the line width is 0.35. Maybe that is only for UM printers, I don't know other profiles.
With infill angle you turn the infill according your setting. For a grid I think there is no difference between 45 or -45 degrees.
Thank you.
I had a look at the documentation of settings you provided but I cannot find the following parameters:
X, Y and Z axes movement speed
Underspeed for outline, solid infill and support structure
How do I set these in Cura?
It often helps when you use the search field in Cura and enter the name or a part of to show the settings. Not all settings are visible, but when you search for it, the setting is shown.
A solid infill can be reached with 100% infill or better set the wall line count to a very high number i.e 99
Support structure should be the same in Cura, but not sure and I have currently no Cura on this computer to check it.
Axes movement speed is called travel speed in Cura.
Thank you.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant: underspeed for outline, underspeed for solid infill and underspeed for the support structure. It looks like Cura has no equivalent settings.
For the travel speed, the documentation does not say for which axes. If I want to set both X and Y axes to have the same speed but the Z axis has other speed, what can I do? I think Z speed is for hop speed only.
Edited by ultimaker_userI think the Z speed is not really relevant for printing, you just do a small step when you change the layer and Z hop is only useful for delta printers.
Regarding underspeed, I don't think Cura has such a setting, but you can set the speed separately for infill, support, outer wall, inner wall and so on. I guess with these setting you can achieve the same result.
Thank you
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Smithy 1,146
1 = Line Width
2 = Wall thickness and wall line count ( you can set the wall count which is a multiple of the line width or you set the thickness in mm)
3 = not sure if it is possible, but I don't know
4 = Infill is for Infill and the Outer Wall is for the outer shell walls. I don't use S3D so I don't know what the wipe distance setting does actually in S3D.
Here is a good documentation of the settings:
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