Thanks for your advice, actually the problem has reduced quite a bit.
In the photo you can see that there are some filaments left, which didn't actually cause any problems, removed with a lighter in seconds. I think increasing the retraction by a little should solve it, I don't want to lower the temperature too much. However, strange that in the Cura preview the shrinkage points in the media are not displayed.
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GregValiant 1,415
"Max Comb Distance with No Retract" = 70. That means no retraction until a travel move is over 70mm and your part isn't that big. Try changing it to 2mm. I counted 1760 moves in the Z in the gcode sliced with your 70, and 7000 Z moves when changing that setting to 2mm. A Z move results from either a retraction, a prime, or when lifting to the next layer. I didn't actually go through the gcode and count retractions.
I don't like "Retract before outer wall" or "Retract at layer change". The resultant primes always seem blobby with my Ender. They have their uses but generally I avoid using either of those (or Z-hops) except in special circumstances.
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