GregValiant 1,455
What does FlashForge have to say about it? Do they want you to use their slicing software?
What does FlashForge have to say about it? Do they want you to use their slicing software?
I've made a Cura v5 profile for Flashforge Guider 2s (for PLA)
What I did: Used Flashprint made some g-code for PLA and saved it. Opened the file in a text editor examined it
and found start and end code sections. Added these into Cura start and stop code for the specific printer.
BTW: Selected code flavour "Griffin" (something I picked up during my search for others settups)
Be aware:
The temperature settings are "hidden"/fixed in this code so if You decide to go for another
material do the same again. Flashforge printer dose not read decimal temperatur settings.
Examine each step in the start/end G-code be sure You understand/each step! Any peculiarities
try to find explanantion (on the net) or ask Flashforge.
How it works: Do Your the slicing in Cura, save sliced G-code fliename.g. Open it in Flashprint and send
to printer.
Flashprint has it's good sides and bad like Cura, no slicer are perfect.
Edited by Ohyst60
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lufkin 0
I too would love a profile for the guider 2s but doubt it will ever happen 😞
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