UlrichC-DE 114
You need a credit card or AliPay.
Easier in Euopa is ordering via Ebay. The material quality is notoriously bad.
But everyone goes through this phase.
Significant quality defects (In my case, 5 years ago, it was)
- Different diameters cause problems when printing.
- Material partially overlaid and brittle.
- Material changes color during printing. Or sometimes loses the color and becomes transparent.
- I have also had material end in the middle of the roll.
- Clogged nozzles
- And the material is often very smelly.
You can learn a lot from it. If sometimes also not to print, but over itself and its patience.
Many greetings
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Smithy 1,146
You can print with every 2.85 filament and order it from wherever you want.
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