thank you for the response, so i made a model of a helmet in blender and exported it as an stl which looked perfectly fine in pre slice... then sliced it and the middle half of the model is gone (seen in the screenshots below) and what i thought it might be is the scale (i scaled the model in cura up 20000% ), but that wasnt the case ,I've sense made the model bigger in blender and re sliced which resulted in getting the same issue.
Something to note, the model with thin walls enabled (which is a slicing setting i saw people using and it would fix the problem they had with getting rid of some parts of their model, also seen with and without setting on in screenshots below ) wouldn't do anything to sliced model.
if these screenshots still don't make any sense or my problem still doesn't make any sense please let me know
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ahoeben 1,989
It is rather hard to see what your problem is, especially since the forum scaled down your images. Can you please describe (better) what your problem slicing is, and possibly highlight the problem in your screenshot?
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