I am using layer number with no zhop and no adaptive layers. I looked at the g code it makes and if you pause at a layer let's say layer number 12 which is 3 mm it will resume at 3 mm + a layer number. So for instance my layer height is 0.25 if I pause at 3 mm with layer numbers it will resume one full layer above the print. After manually adjusting this code to resume at the correct height it resumes fine. Whoever coded these pauses made a mistake as it resumes one full layer height above where it should.
I am using two voxeLab aguila's, one ender three V2 and a JG maker artist d.
Edited by knownchild
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GregValiant 1,454
Pause at Height doesn't work when set to "Height" if there are Z-hops in the file. Your print is likely re-starting at the height + a Z-hop height.
It is also difficult to use by "Height" when "Adaptive Layers" is enabled as it's difficult to predict what Z value to search for.
PauseAtHeight works fine when set to "Layer Number". Remember that layer numbering in the gcode is with Base 0 and layer numbering in Cura is Base 1. The layer number you enter will print and then the pause will occur. So if you see in the Preview that you want to pause at the start of layer 200 then you would enter 199 into the PauseAtHeight layer # box.
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