So I actually found that I did not have the latest update of cura. I updated and now it tries to home out but hits the end stop on the x axis then will not do anything else. I don't know if me adding the g code made it do this so i have thought about taking the M211 S0 out and trying that. The instruction said that the printer would stop it self if that code was in there. I'm kind of getting aggravated with it because I can not find anything on how to solve. If there is some way I can help you help me please tell me.
GregValiant 1,454
It is really handy to be able to send individual commands and see how the printer responds.
M211 S0 works on my E3Pro. After sending it to the printer I get:
"echo:Soft endstops: Off Min: X0.00 Y-5.00 Z0.00 Max: X235.00 Y230.00 Z250.00" as a response. Then if I tell it to go to Tiera Del Fuego it will try to get there and make a huge racket when it can't.
After sending M211 S1 it responds with:
"echo:Soft endstops: On Min: X0.00 Y-5.00 Z0.00 Max: X235.00 Y230.00 Z250.00". In that condition the print head stops at the soft "Max" endstops at 235.
My printer is a couple of years old with an 8 bit mainboard and Marlin 1.1.8.
The M120 / M121 commands look to be similar. Unfortunately they don't work with my firmware but they might work with yours. M121 is Disable Endstops and M120 is Enable Endstops.
I have an app I wrote (for Windows only) if you want to try it. It's kind of like Pronterface in that you can directly communicate with the printer via USB. There are lots of buttons for things like homing, gcode macros, printing from the SD card in the printer, jogging the printhead around, tuning prints on the fly...I automated a lot of stuff. There is a large textbox that shows the printer's responses to commands.
I'll post it if you think you are interested. It's an unsigned app so you would likely need to fool your anti-virus to install it.
One question I have is how big is your actual printable area?
with the extender it is now 400mm x 400mm x 250mm. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I don't have anyone to take it to or personally ask. I'm using Ultimaker Cura as that is what came with the ender 3 v2 when I got it last year.
GregValiant 1,454
About 1 1/2 years ago Creality took Marlin firmware and made their own proprietary version. If they run out of a particular mainboard they stick in whatever they have laying around and they don't appear to bother to put the correct firmware on those boards. They also don't bother to tell anyone those sorts of things.
Here are a couple of little gcode files with some basic moves. The first line in one is M211 S0 and in the other is M121. Print them to see if either command works in a simple situation. There aren't any extrusions, just some back and forth movement out to X350 Y350. I figure if it will go that far it will go the rest of the way.
okay I also did more research and now flashed the drive using the jysper but still have the same issue so. I'm not sure what to do. I have looked at the wiring and it seems that they are all connected correctly. I think for what ever reason the end stop is not getting the signal that it is being pressed as if the wiring wasn't hooked up. I have thought about switching the x and y axis on the board to see if the end stop isnt working. I'm not sure what to do with the codes you have because cure will not let me copy and paste.
GregValiant 1,454
Cura isn't involved with those. They are simple gcode files. Just copy and paste them to an SD card and print them. I would print the M211_test file first.
"I think for what ever reason the end stop is not getting the signal that it is being pressed as if the wiring wasn't hooked up".
So the printer isn't doing a proper Auto-Home? I thought the problem was just that it wasn't using the new build plate size because of the software endstops keeping the machine size down to 220 x 220?
You can copy and paste into the Startup and End gcode boxes using the CTRL+C and CTRL+V hot keys on your keyboard. I don't know why, but the right click menu is not enabled for those two textboxes.
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GregValiant 1,454
That is boiler plate lawyerese for "Pay attention Dummy!!!". It comes up when you open an existing gcode file in Cura (rather than bringing a model in and slicing it.)
Printing a gcode that was sliced for a different printer can be problematic. It is important to go over the gcode header information with a fine tooth comb. You can't do that it Cura and you would need to open the file in Notepad or some other text editor.
If you slice something for your XL printer then even though it is still defined as a 3v2 - if someone else tried to print the gcode on a non-XL 3v2 the print head may crash on the right side of the bed.
If you were to print one of your earlier gcodes on your XL it would be fine and I don't think would need the M211 line since all portions of the gcode would be inside your original firmware limits. It wouldn't hurt to add M211 S0 but as I say, that would need to be done in a text editor.
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