I had similar "issues", slicing the above model with the Arachne beta 2 slicer.
For some reason, the slicer seems to invoke one additional extrusion move at 1/2 of the Bridge printing speed, immediately after the bridge line has been drawn, and before the "normal" Wall line begins, which seems to be what is being drawn as an orange blob in the above graphic.
I captured a series of screen captures in the attached .PDF, overlaid with the corresponding gcode from Cura. Note that the F384.6 move is not created, if the experimental Bridge Settings feature is switched off.
I was not able to change this behaviour by changing any other setting in Cura (and I'm pretty sure I tried them all.)
As shown in the .pdf, I was able to make the blob disappear by modifying the geometry of the part but modifying the scale of the part only modified the scale of the blob. It did not make the blob go away.
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ablesser 0
Higher quality images attached since the site is downscaling them above for some reason.
Also, adding another visual example here to help make this clear.. when I turn coasting off and look at the preview in line-width mode, the thin lines before the bridge lines are printed (dark blue here) disappear, but the thick ones do not.. "why?" .
Edited by ablesser
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