GregValiant 1,455
When the nozzle oozes on long travel moves prior to starting the outer wall extrusion then it can take a few mm's of movement before the pressure comes up in the nozzle. The coasting setting can make it worse. The problem can really show up on horseshoe shaped objects as the nozzle has to travel a long way on a combing move to avoid jumping across the gap.
If you aren't using Z-hops then there is a post-processor called Retract Continue that spreads the retraction across the travel moves instead of pulling the filament back and then traveling. It might help. One of the new settings in 5.0 is to print the walls "Outside to Inside" and it is the default. With the outer wall first after a long combing move the initial low pressure problem is visible so try setting it to "Inside to Outside. If the problem occurs on an inside wall then it usually get hidden by the outside wall.
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Benjamin4456 0
Just updating that disabling square-wave stepping changed nothing.
What's most annoying is that the rest of these parts looks great, except for wherever the seam is. Everything else is tuned in pretty darn well.
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