Thank you so much. i switched it to inside to outside. however im not seeing retract continue in the additional setting. also just to clarify im using a .4 nozzle.
GregValiant 1,455
"Retract Continue" is a post-processor script and not a regular setting. You can find it by going to "Extensions / Post Processing / Modify Gcode" and then "Add a Script". It will be in the list.
If you have "Z-Hops" enabled the script will get confused and the "continue" will end because of the z-hop. That would make it fairly useless.
oh okay, got it. thank you!
should i just leave it at stock .05?
GregValiant 1,455
You will need to do a couple of tests. I knew Retract Continue was there, but I haven't used it.
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GregValiant 1,455
Under the Wall settings take a look at "Wall Order". The default is "Outside to Inside" and seems to be causing some problems when starting extrusions and with overhangs and holes. Make sure it's on "Inside to Outisde" which was the default in previous versions of Cura.
That looks to be larger than a .4 nozzle. If there are long combing moves you might want to look into the post-processor "Retract Continue". It parcels out the retraction throughout a combing move (rather than all at once) and can help keep oozing down which helps keep the nozzle pressure from falling off too far.
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