This is the code i tried to run but didnt work.
When i compared this to an older file that worked i saw 3 lines missing
an M140, M104, and M109
This is the code i tried to run but didnt work.
When i compared this to an older file that worked i saw 3 lines missing
an M140, M104, and M109
Here is a snippet from the gcode file:
M190 S55 ; Set bed temperature and wait
G28 ; Home all axis
; Uncomment the line below to enable ABL Mesh probing
;G29 ; Probe bed mesh for ABL
; For best results do not run nozzle heater while performing ABL
G1 Z5.0 ; Raise nozzle to prevent scratching of heat bed
G1 X0 Y0 ; Move nozzle to Home before heating
M109 S200 T0 ; Set nozzle temp and wait
Those lines are part of your startup gcode. The temperature lines "M109" and M190" are there. It looks like it should work to me.
I ran it through my Ender in debug mode and it worked.
In Cura if you go to Manage Printers and then Machine Settings you should see lines like this in your StartUp Gcode:
M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}
M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0}
Because they call out the temperatures in StartUp then Cura doesn't add the M104 and M140 lines prior to the startup as they aren't needed.
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GregValiant 1,344
Post one of the 5.0 gcodes that isn't working. The temperatures might be called out in your StartUp Gcode. If they aren't then Cura should add them before the StartUp Gcode runs.
If you open a 3mf project file it's possible to over-write the StartUp Gcode of your printer definition.
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