GregValiant 1,361
Well there ya go. I assumed it was a cookie cutter(?) It's that time of year and they do present unique challenges.
When 5.0 came out I decided to move to it although I really liked 4.13.1. The 5.x versions of Cura are decidedly different but I think the complaints like "5.x ruined my prints" are way over-blown. There are different commands to control the line width and starting out - 5.0 did have a lot of glitches with the dialogs and controls as well as with slicing.
There is also a definite learning curve involved when moving to the 5.x versions.
5.2.1 is a step in the right direction but there are still some slicing issues that need to be addressed (particularly with the Windows version) and I am confident that they will be. It seems like everyone wants more options and now that there are lots of options everyone wants the big "Easy Button" instead of spending time actually learning the software.
Anyway, you are welcome and Good Luck both printing and making whatever it is you are going to make with that.
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GregValiant 1,361
Set the "Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle" to 20°. You might consider dropping the line width to .35 as well.
This is with both settings adjusted.
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Kyleen 1
Thank you so very much! @GregValiant I am jumping up and down!!! It worked! I have been trying to print this for a few days after I upgraded to Cura 5.2. I was so frustrated. 20 degrees still left a tiny gap but I tried again at 30 degrees and it is perfect. I also changed the line width to .35 as you suggested. You are my hero! Blessings, Kyleen
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