GregValiant 1,455
Are those the same files as before? If there is an error in the code within the file then it won't load.
Cura only loads files at startup so if you loaded them when Cura is running then close Cura and restart.
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guyzly 1
Mac or PC? I have found on Mac placing the files as directed in the readme file does not work. It is possible that I am not doing it correctly as I am a newbee at Cura. When I place the files in Cura/Content........Resources/definitions etc folders, my printer/extruders/mesh shows up.
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tysonwald 0
Im on mac. An it should be in content, resources,share, cura, resources, definitions. thats where all the printers are. but when you paste one in there, it isn't showing up in cura for me. it used to, but not anymore.
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