Greetings, When will ultimaker release an s7 profile for simplify3d?
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Greetings, When will ultimaker release an s7 profile for simplify3d?
Thank you,
1 hour ago, SeanED said:Greetings, When will ultimaker release an s7 profile for simplify3d?
Thank you,
You will need to ask Simplify3D.
UltiMaker does not make any of the "UltiMaker" profiles in Simplify3D.
Simplify3D makes all those profiles.
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MariMakes 203
Hey @ClausJ,
There are a lot of settings that you can tune to improve your support.
Can you share a picture of what kind of improvement you are looking for?
There are a number of settings you can tune:
-If it's large bulk of ZigZag support you can consider using Break Up Support in Chunks
-If your support is too close to the model you can tune settings like Support X/Y or Z distance
-If the top of your support is messy you can also consider changing Support Interface settings.
-If you have trouble gripping your support with pliers you can consider reducing the Support Wall Line Count
-If the footprint of your support is too big, you can Enable Conical Support
-If you have super organic shapes you can use tree support instead, and if you have already tried that, you can try the new tree support released over Christmas here:
I hope this at least get you in the correct direction.
Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting.
To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
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