That would be great but many websites don't list tolerances. For example makerbot and our illustrious ultimaker. Besides, looking towards a future of recycled plastic, wouldn't it be convenient to automate the calibration process? maybe we wouldn't be able to print as fast but wouldn't you want to go for weeks or months at a time without touching the machine besides removing prints and reloading filament?
Low tolerance feedstock seems like it would be expensive. Wouldn't you want to make cheaper products at a minimal time cost? You wouldn't have to calibrate before every move, only every once in a while, and maybe adjust as you go. I'm envisioning it more like, calibrate before every print, not necessarily during.
Not quite ready to throw out this idea just because it might make my printer a bit slower.
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mr_seeker 0
It can be done, but you should consider looking at tolerances. The less tolerance your feedstock has, the less you need to measure. Measuring every time will only make the machine slower because you have to measure and calculate the feedstock rate before every move. Doing a good measurement and using filament with a low tolerance will help a lot more.
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