Thank you. I will try both options. Could I remove the T0?
GregValiant 1,454
I use the Raise3D slicer occasionally for comparisons with Cura.
With an N2 installed in IdeaMaker there are T0 commands in the startup so they are probably alright. My guess would be that the firmware is similar across their product line.
That G92 E0 E1 command looks to be contradictory and so it's probably illegal. It's trying to set the extruder location to 0 and to 1 at the same time. Not good.
This is the N2 StartUp Gcode from Ideamaker:
M221 T0 S94.00 ;set the flow to 94%
G21 ;metric
M140 S60.00 ;Bed temperature
M104 T0 S215.00 ;hot end temperature
M109 T0 S215.00 ;wait for hot end
T0 ;set the tool
M190 S60.00 ;wait for the bed temp
G21 ;metric units
G90 ;absolute movement
M82 ;absolute extrusion
M107 ;fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;Home the X and Y if they need it
G28 Z0 ;Home the Z if it needs it
G1 Z15.0 F300 ;move the nozzle up
G92 E0 ;reset the extruder
G1 F140 E29 ;purge
G1 X20 Y0 F140 E30 ;move while purging some more
G92 E0 ;reset the extruder
G1 F9000.0 ;set the feedrate
M117 Printing...
M1001 ;enables the power resume function. There should me an M1002 in the Ending Gcode.
I made up the one below. First use the "File | Save Project" command to save your current StartUp Gcode. (If you were to open that new 3mf file in Cura it would bring in your original StartUp Gcode.)
After backing up your current startup gcode in the 3mf project file, you can try this by copying and over-writing the current StartUp in the StartUp Gcode box in the Cura Machine Settings dialog.
; <<< StartUp >>>
M221 S100 ;reset the flowrate
M220 S100 ;reset the feedrate
G21 ;metric units
G90 ;absolute movement
M82 ;absolute extrusion
M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;start the bed
M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;start the hot end
G28 X Y ;home the XY
G28 Z ;home the Z
G1 X0 Y0 Z15.0 F600 ;move the nozzle up so the purge has somewhere to go.
M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;wait for hot end
M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;wait for the bed temp
M107 ;fan off
G92 E0 ;reset the extruder
G1 F140 E29 ;purge
G1 X20 Y0 F140 E30 ;move while purging 1mm more
G92 E0 ;reset the extruder
G1 F9000.0 ;set the feedrate
M1001 ;enable power resume function
M117 Printing...
; <<< End of StartUp >>>
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nallath 1,125
I think it might be tripping up on the T0 command, which is really weird. For context; the T command is how the printer is told what extruder to use. So even if your printer only has one extruder, telling it to use the first one (T0) should be a valid command)
Alternatively, it might also be the G92 E0 E1 command. You could try and see what happens if you change that to G92 E0
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