GregValiant 1,455
@Peter_E6 In addition to Obewan's suggestion you have settings that simply don't apply: Avoid Printed Parts (impossible on this model), Avoid supports (none on this model), and combing set to Not In Skin (there isn't any on this model).
Those are going to cause retractions because they affect other settings.
"It seems like nothing can stop Cura regularly retracting the filament for no explicable reason"
Any printer is a 4 axis (at least) robot. It has to be programmed to go and do what it's supposed to do. Any slicer has to be set up so that the generated gcode does what the user requires. This is the user's responsibility because in the end, the retractions and other things that the printer does is dependent on the input of the user. There is always a reason for any retraction and that is because that's how the software was set up. Now if there is a bug in the software then that is a different story. I do see problems with your settings. I don't see a bug.
With your settings there are 182 retractions between ";LAYER:0" and the end of the file. Since the model is 260 layers that is somewhat less than one retraction per layer.
Turn off Avoid Printed Parts, Avoid Supports, Retract Before Outer Wall, set Combing to "ALL", and set Retraction Minimum Travel to 10.0.
With those changes there are 5 retractions between ";LAYER:0" and the end of the file. That's about 3% of what you are getting with your settings.
I hope I made some sense.
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obewan 37
try it with 'retract before outer wall' unticked.
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