I will grant you one thing: the supports at 45 degrees were pretty easy to remove (and this whole thing wouldn't be necessary if I could figure out why supports went from "easy to remove" to "destined to be permanent part of print" on the same file).
But as for the result of your suggestion: it still flatbottomed.
FWIW: I know saving Cura projects is easy, I've just never had the need... load model, slice, save gcode, all done.
But here's the file for this project, and I also updated my first post (see Edit #2 at top and attached file) with the project file from a different, slightly less unsuccessful print.
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DivingDuck 105
Try to print it on an angel of 45°. See attached file.
In general, w/o having a project file no one can see which of your settings are wrong. It should be quite easy to save your project file with short cut [strg]+[s] or -->file -->Save Project via menu. 🙂
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