- Solution
Coasting is the answer. You can read about the setting here: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/experimental/coasting_enable.md
Coasting is the answer. You can read about the setting here: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/experimental/coasting_enable.md
Wellp, I tried. Coasting didn't come to mind because I don't think I've ever used it. Hopefully I too shall retain this knowledge so that I may use it in the future, when needed. Thanks to the people smarter than me, normally I hate being shown up, but if I learn something, then it's worth it.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
I'm getting a corrupt file error when trying to open your file (downloaded it a couple of times to be sure).It looks like the inside of that has some spiral texture or something? Could be that your printer's maximum resolution (or the setting in Mesh Fixes > Maximum Resolution) is just too high to represent to be able to draw all those curves accurately using just outer wall.Suggestions:Increase your number of walls (Walls > Wall Line Count). I can see a bit of infill in a couple of places, and that's bad.Set Walls > Wall Ordering to Outside to Inside. This should give priority to outer walls.Try turning off Walls > Print Thin Walls. It could just be trying to slice walls so thin they're just impossible to print.You know how I said I can see infill? Try turning down Infill > Infill Overlap by a little bit. Not too much, because it's important to the strength of the piece.Not recommended, but a possibility: set Infill > Infill Pattern to Concentric. This will make the infill follow the shape of what it's printing, so it should never stick through. It will make your print much weaker though, especially in the horizontal direction, unless you set it to 100% infill.There's a plugin (go to Marketplace at the top right) called Arc Welder, by the awesome @ahoeben. Try installing that, restarting Cura, then turning it on in Special Modes > Arc Welder. It converts gcode instructions that do a lot of small movements in cardinal directions to approximate a curve into to doing circular movements.I tried, but I was wrong. Scroll down to where the more experience people know what they're talking about.
Edited by Slashee_the_Cowstrikeout text to make it clear my response was incorrect
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GregValiant 1,455
"Coasting" will give a preview like that because the preview only shows extrusions and during the "coast" part of a move the extruder is off.
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NotArandom 0
I tried what you said and here were the results, First, i downloaded the Arc welder addon and restarted cura, but it didnt show up, second the changes made the model look like this
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