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Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400



I can't figure out how to make Cura works with my FLSUN V400. 


I installed Cura v5.6, and chose the FLSUN V400 profile on first start but I have this error immediatley after :

There are no profiles matching the configuration of this extruder.


And when I'm trying to slice a model, an error occurs :

Slicing failed with an unexpected error. Please consider reporting a bug on our issue tracker.


Do I miss something ?


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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    The two messages are unrelated.


    The "there are no profiles matching the configuration of this extruder" can probably be fixed by clicking the Extruder icon in the top bar and changing its configuration.


    The "slicing failed with an unexpected error" is a Cura bug, and can often be remedied by moving the model to another location on the buildplate or rotating the model.

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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    Hi aheben,


    Thank you for your help.


    However, I moved the model and I have the same result :-/ 
    The "slicing failed with an unexpected error" does not occur if I try to slice on another printer. For example, I tried the FLSUN Super Racer and it works well.


    I tried to change the configuration of the extruder but I don't knwo what to change. I saw I have a Nozzle Size to empty on the top bar but I don't knwo where to configure it (there is not such parameter in the Printer or V400 Hotend menus).


    I must have forgetten something but I don't know what.

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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    Try clearing your configuration folder - this will delete all your quality profiles and such so definitely make up a backup first. In Cura, go to Help > Show Configuration Folder, close Cura, copy all the files in there somewhere else on your computer (doesn't really matter where, as long as you can find it), then delete all the files in the configuration folder. If it works, you can copy things like quality profiles over manually.


    Next time you start Cura, if you have a previous version's configuration folder laying around, it will copy from that, and you'll just get a quick "what's new in this version" thing. If it doesn't have anything to copy from, you'll be run through the first run wizard allowing you to add a printer and such.

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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    Thanks for your reply Slashee,


    Unfortunately, I still have the same error.


    For the moment I found my happiness with Orca Slicer but I'll try to install Cura on another computer to find if its a computer problem or not.

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    Posted (edited) · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    I've been coming across some oddities in regard to the V400 definition files.

    There is a bug report on GitHub and the OP posted a project file.  The OP's printer is an FLSun V400 and the project file is from Cura 5.6.0.

    When I tried to open the project file it immediately crashed Cura.  Looking at my installation of Cura 5.6.0 I found that there were no nozzle files for the V400.  I opened my V400 definition file and compared it to the V400 definition file contained in the project file.  My definition file didn't have "variants" listed, but the 3mf definition file did.  Looking further, they aren't even by the same author.

    This is from the definition file contained in the project file:

        "name": "Flsun V400", 
        "version": 2, 
        "metadata": {
            "type": "machine", 
            "author": "FLSUN, Joseph Jackson"
            "manufacturer": "Flsun", 
            "setting_version": 22, 
            "file_formats": "application/x-ufp;text/x-gcode", 
            "visible": true, 
            "has_materials": true, 
            "has_variants": true, 
            "has_machine_quality": true, 
            "preferred_material": "generic_pla", 
            "preferred_quality_type": "normal", 
            "machine_extruder_trains": {
                "0": "flsun_v400_extruder_0"
            "supports_usb_connection": true, 
            "supports_network_connection": false, 
            "platform": "flsun_v400.stl", 

    Conspicuously absent is the "inherits" line.


    This is from the definition file in have in my 5.6.0 installation:

        "version": 2,
        "name": "Flsun V400",
        "inherits": "fdmprinter",
            "visible": true,
            "author": "FLSUN, Guislain Cyril",
            "manufacturer": "Flsun",
            "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
            "platform": "flsun_v400.stl",
            "has_machine_quality": true,
            "has_materials": true,
            "machine_extruder_trains": { "0": "flsun_v400_extruder_0" },
            "platform_offset": [


    No nozzle "variants" in that one.  Something seems odd here.  There have also been problems with at least one other printer (Longer??) missing files.


    If a definition doesn't "inherit" fdmprinter.def.json I would imagine there would be big problems.  So what Joseph Jackson did was to copy everything he thought he needed from fdmprinter to his V400 definition file.  The prject definition is 9517 lines long and the definition file I have is 45 lines long.

    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400
    3 hours ago, GregValiant said:

    If a definition doesn't "inherit" fdmprinter.def.json I would imagine there would be big problems.  So what Joseph Jackson did was to copy everything he thought he needed from fdmprinter to his V400 definition file.  The prject definition is 9517 lines long and the definition file I have is 45 lines long.

    And this is why you don't cheat on your exams, kids.


    ...but seriously, how can someone figure out how to put a definition file together but not realise that basically everything inherits from either fdmprinter or something that inherits from that (in my case, creality_base).

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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    Finally I could slice successfully, but I had to do a lot of handcrafting with all the configuration files. Cura 5.4 was working flawesly but 5.5 and 5.6 has been a nightmare. 


    First, there are no variants so any profile that you try to set goes to a empty variant.


    I've loaded the variants, qualities with some prebuild configurations, intents, extruder, and the problem with the definition finally, if you take the FLSUN SR definition, and the FLSUN V400 set the same amount of overrides, that means, nothing... The Slicer fiflsun_v400.def.zipnally executes, the problem here is that the precalculation of the speeds, and other stuff are lost.


    I've attached my deffinition file and a prove that the process has finished, after weeks of fighting against that.

    Captura de pantalla 2024-01-20 083158.png

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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400

    Here my files... load it on shared/cura/resources and on your AppData/Roaming/Cura 5.6... directory...

    Cura 5.6 - files to make FLSUN V400 work .zip

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    Posted · Can't make Cura 5.6 works with FLSUN V400
    14 minutes ago, Kronologic81 said:

    Here my files... load it on shared/cura/resources and on your AppData/Roaming/Cura 5.6... directory...

    You only need to put the files in the configuration folder. Any files in the installation folder will just be ignored next time you install a new version (or if you need to uninstall/reinstall your current version for whatever reason), whereas the configuration folder will not be deleted during uninstallation and will be automatically migrated to the configuration folder for the newer version.


    Also, to be specific, the folder you want to put the files in is:

    Windows: %APPDATA%\cura\<version number>\  (equivalent to C:\Users\<your username>\appdata\roaming\cura\<version number>)

    Linux: ~/.local/share/cura/<version number>/ (On most (but not all) systems equivalent to /home/<your username>/.local/share/cura/<version number>)

    macOS: Macintosh HD\Users\<your username>\Library\Application\ Support\cura\<version number>

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