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Posted · Outer wall in one continuous pass



i have a problem of getting cura to print my outer wall of the model in one continuous pass and only get on Z-seam. 

As you can see in the Picture i have a rectangular hole in the model an on one side of the model my wall is only one pass thick.

My problem is that cura does the one line wall always separate and does not a continuous pass at the outside, this leads to a thick Z seam and it is a problem for me.

I have already played around with different wall thicknesses around my nozzle diameter. 

Is there any way to tell Cura to do the outer wall in one single continuous pass with only one z-seam??


Thank you!



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    Posted (edited) · Outer wall in one continuous pass

    The geometry of the model dictates that there will be a seam for that pocket.

    With the model at the midpoint of the Cura build plate, set the "Z-Seam Alignment" to "User Specified" and the "Z-Seam Position" to "Back Left".




    Here is how I oriented the model in Cura.




    If you place the model differently then the "Back Left" would change.

    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Outer wall in one continuous pass

    Thank you for your help unfortunately the orientation does not change the behavior i always get the z-seam at my pocket...


    A workaround for this problem is to use two separate models, one inner model and one outer "shell" which is only one line thickness thick. But this is VERY inconvenient! And even if i do it that way, the speed of the print is changing at the pocket location. If i just print the outer shell alone, i do not get any change in the printing speed and i get a consistent wall.



    Halter_Lichterkette-Körper.stl Halter_Lichterkette-Körper001.stl AI3MSPRO_Halter_Lichterkette-Körper.3mf

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    Posted · Outer wall in one continuous pass

    In the original model, the reason there is a start point there is because of the pocket.  When a wall has air on one side it gets an outer wall extrusion.  So the inside of the pocket gets an outer wall backed by 2 inner-walls to make up the proper Line Count.

    The 4th side (that closes the pocket) is 0.40 thick so it gets a single wall.  That makes it impossible to make a loop around the inside without coming to a stop and restarting again.  The nozzle can extrude it left to right, or right to left, but if it tries to put the pocket in, the nozzle dead ends where it's already been.

    The addition of the Outer-Wall-Only model gets ride of the situation because it doesn't have the pocket, and neither does the main model.  Making that short wall 2X line width wide would also get rid of the problem as the nozzle could make a full loop for the inside of the pocket and then a continuous loop for the "real" outer wall.


    This is the project with your fix.  At the top near the blue arrow notice that the outer-wall of the inner model is thinner than the outer-wall of the outer shell model.  This is significant because the variable line width of Cura will adjust to make that single wall section to it's dimensional width of 0.4mm.  That's how the situation in the circles arises.  You can see that it isn't a single extrusion past the pocket, but rather one extrusion ends, there is a flow adjustment, and at the end of the pocket wall that extrusion ends, there is an adjustment back to the original flow.  




    That's going to leave two slight lines on the print.  In this image it runs between the yellow lines and you can just (barely) make it out.  How visible it is depends on the printer and how smooth it can make the transition.  In the case of this model it really shouldn't be noticeable.  On some models it can look like another Z-seam.


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