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Posted · Sovol SV07 Plus

I am very new to 3d printing, just got my printer for Christmas, I have the Sovol SV07 plus. I am currently using Cura 5.6 but my printer is not an option in the list provided. How would I go about making sure all of my settings are correct to continue using Cura? I have had it set as the Sovol SV06 plus and the prints come out great but am noticing that the nozzle is not lifting from my prints when it is complete and if not caught in time, is melting through my project. This makes it hard to do longer projects because I am so worried that something might happen if it goes through the night. Please help! 

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    Posted (edited) · Sovol SV07 Plus

    Hopefully others will come along and offer a better solution. 

    In the printer settings (Manage Printer -> Machine Settings) there is a section “End G-code”. Mine starts with 


    G1 E-2

    G1 E-2 Z0.2

    G1 X5 Y5

    G1 Z10

    This sequence effectively tells your printer

    * work from the current point

    * suck up a little filament

    * suck up a little filament and lift the noz 0.2mm

    * move noz x+5,y+5 mm

    * move noz z+10 mm

    Ideally this should be near the top of that section to make it the first thing executed. 


    The problem is, depending on what else is there, you may need to add additional lines after the Z move before resuming existing lines. I’m also new to 3d printing (not gcode) so let’s see if someone comes along with better advice. 

    Edited by jaysenodell
    fixed gcode interp sequence
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    Posted (edited) · Sovol SV07 Plus
    6 hours ago, jaysenodell said:

    That gcode section would look more like:

    G1 E-2
    G1 E-2 Z0.2
    G1 X5 Y5
    G1 Z10

    Had to switch from phone to laptop to get it to format. Clearly the forum is not bbcode either. Sorry. 

    You forgot the G91 at the top of that. Also you're leaving speeds out of it. And I'm not sure why you'd retract twice. And moving 5mm off might not be enough.


    This would be my way:

    M104 S0 ; Start extruder cooling down
    M140 S0 ; Start bed cooling down
    M82 ; Relative extrusion
    G1 F2400 E-2 ; Retract 2mm at 40mm/s
    G91 ; Relative positioning
    G1 F2400 E-2 Z5 ; Retract a bit more and move Z up 5mm as fast as it'll go to get away from print
    G90 ; Absolute positioning
    G0 F6000 X0 Y0 ; Move nozzle to corner of plate at 100mm/s
    M106 S0 ; Turn off fan

    Normally you might not start cooling down until the end of the gcode but we want to cool things down ASAP. This also makes it less likely to drool along the way. And it'll move to somewhere there probably isn't anything in case it's still hot or it drools.

    Edited by Slashee_the_Cow
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    Posted · Sovol SV07 Plus
    3 hours ago, Slashee_the_Cow said:

    You forgot the G91 at the top of that. Also you're leaving speeds out of it. And I'm not sure why you'd retract twice. And moving 5mm off might not be enough.

    • G91 was in the original post. I missed it in the copy. 
    • G1 should use the last speed supplied. OP said that's a print. Since I don't know his print/material settings, this ensures that I'm within safe parameters for their system. While I understand the constant speed indicators, it is a bad habit when writing "generic" move code immediately at the end of the print when you know none of the other settings for the print. I think there are cura variables that could be used for F in these cases but I've not looked into cura guts that far yet.
    • Once to ensure no blob, Once to cut stringing. That and it's what in the defaults for several printers I looked at. When looking it up on line, there was some "prevent pressure build on heated nozzle" theory but who knows. 
    • If is not for general "get the head out of the way", but I think it should for melting not PLA. Make it 15. or 25. I have a whole "G90, G0 X0 Y219 z119 F5000" last line in mine (over in Octo)
    4 hours ago, Slashee_the_Cow said:

    This would be my way...

    That's a much more complete run at the end of print script. @kaylanichole36 you should use that if nothing else is in the field now. It may take some tweaks to be "perfect" for you but starting with Slashee's code (and the nice comments) will help you understand exactly what it happening. 

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    Posted · Sovol SV07 Plus

    ok this may sound silly but like I said I am totally new to all of this. I did find my end G-code. This is how it reads. 


    G91 ;Relative positioning

    G1 E-2 F2700 ;Retract a bit

    G1 E-2 Z0.2 F2400 ;Retract and raise Z

    G1 X0 Y220 F3000 ;Wipe out

    G1 Z10 ;Raise Z more

    G90 ;Absolute positionning


    G1 X0 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print

    M106 S0 ;Turn-off fan

    M104 S0 ;Turn-off hotend

    M140 S0 ;Turn-off bed


    M84 X Y E ;Disable all steppers but Z


    Should I just copy and paste Slashee's into this box? 

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    Posted · Sovol SV07 Plus

    That should raise the head 10.2mm above the last position printed, then move things to align the noz to absolute 0,0 and then shut it all down. 

    if it isn’t doing that then either 0,0 is over the print or something odd is happening. 

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    Posted · Sovol SV07 Plus
    1 hour ago, kaylanichole36 said:

    G1 X0 Y220 F3000 ;Wipe out

    G1 Z10 ;Raise Z more

    That will make the Y axis move 220mm, which is going to sound very painful if it tries to keep moving beyond the borders of its printable area (some printers will try and blindly follow any move command they're given). Also convention says that moves that use extrusion should use G1, but travel only moves (which this is) should use G0. Technically they're both the same command but it makes for more readable code.

    1 hour ago, kaylanichole36 said:

    G1 X0 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print

    See above about G0/G1


    I'd still advise putting the commands to start cooling it down at the top, just so that it starts cooling down immediately instead of waiting for all the move commands to finish just in case it dawdles a bit in the movement, especially since you're only raising it 0.2mm before you do a long (should probably be like 10-20mm instead of 220mm) travel move. Given how quickly these things don't cool down, unlikely to make a huge difference, but can't hurt.

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