If you're running Windows, Microsoft's 3D Builder application (included with Windows 10, think you have to download it from the Microsoft Store on Windows 11) is actually really great at fixing models. Just load your model in it, and once you pick the unit size there should be a popup in the bottom right saying your model is invalid and to click that to fix it. Let it do its magic and then save your (hopefully fixed) model.
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gr5 2,295
I'm not positive but I think you can ignore the red region and just fix the multi-color region - one is red/green and the other blue/green.
Did you create this yourself in CAD or did someone else create this CAD model. Hopefully you created in which case it should be easy to fix. What software did you use? I'm guessing sketchup or blender? Google the name of your cad software and "how to create manifold objects" in the same search and read what people say or watch a youtube video about how to avoid and fix these issues for your particular cad software.
Most cad software won't let you create these kinds of non-physical part errors (infinitely thin planes or holes in a surface which are both impossible in the real world). But blender and sketchup are two that are not designed for designing real things but more meant to design virtual world things only where it's okay to have an infinitely thin wall.
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