Truly super helpful and very competent!!
since you are currently the only one to answer my problems I'll ask you the next question: starting from the printing profile you suggested for PLA, what changes would you make to print PETG?
From what I understand the salient points are the retraction and the power of the fan.
Consider that I am looking for solid objects... I can improve the aesthetics in post production with a little sandpaper and painting.
Thank you in advance
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
It's "missing" those lines because the area narrows and it can't gracefully reduce the the number of lines to match it (and it will absolutely refuse to give up the extra skin wall). Here's what it looks like if I change Top/Bottom > Extra Skin Wall Count to 0:
Not really a perfect solution because the extra skin wall is usually a good thing, but there's a lot worse ways to muck up a print than removing your skin wall, so don't feel too bad if this is the route you want to go.
Of course you're forcing it to do lines in that single direction, if you set it to lines without overriding the angle it fills the area fine:
But I get the feeling you want the lines to be going along the length of the object for looks. Warning though: at 90° exclusively it's not great for strength because it's not adding any strength on the Y axis or to resist shear or twisting.
So can I suggest a compromise? Here's the Concentric pattern:
It fills the area gracefully because instead of just stopping walls where it needs to get thinner, it just makes them follow the outer contours.
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