Great it's working! :-P
So now that I can see my printer happily printing away, I need a way to switch it off if things go wrong.
And they do, this is my first attempt at the tripod.
So I decided to make an IP power switch with a standard UK wall outlet socket and a small ethernet relay module that has a free smartphone app. The box includes cable clamps and pcb mounting posts. The files will be on YouMagine later.
Maybe you should take a look at OctoPrint:
Install it on a Raspberry Pi add a webcam and monitor your prints remotely...
Wow - clever stuff - can you tell me what the IP relay that you used is and the app?
Just something going through my mind...
Your switch turns the printer off i assume it does the same thing as if you pressed the power button on the printer?
I don't know about this but aren't there any risks of clogging the nozzle or something? Wouldn't it be better to abort the print in the same way you do with the controller?
I think there is a discussion going on among the Marlin developers about introducing a print abort pin. Not a bad idea, if you ask me... :cool:
@Woofy: Where did you buy the electronic parts from? I'd like to replicate it here (Germany).
Thanks Woofy!
Sorry for the electronics n00bness, but what is the top part? I guess that's something I need to have for the german power outlet style. But how is it called? Thanks again.
Hi Nico,
It's a dual gang UK power socket - the type that's normally screwed to the wall.
I used something like
Hi Woffy,
I can't find IO network on the playstore? - does it have a longer name?
Found it on their website - search for devantech on the playstore!
Its still there, I just looked.
edit - note to myself, must look for new posts before replying
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Dim3nsioneer 558
Yes, it's printing... :-P In white...
You should tidy up the cable of your right fan... now as it is so public...
EDIT: It's actually the first time I (don't) hear an UM2. It makes significantly less noise than my UM1!
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