Thank you for the answers,
I been print the robot I know its not the best print to start with when learning but he is cool.
I printed the first one straight from sd card, second one changed just the bed temp, third followed the setting from the fourm on how to print the robot better. nosle temp was to high I think for this print 220 will try 190 next time.
enjoyed seeing what changes affect what part of the print.
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gr5 2,267
Pretty much, yes. I move it back and forth many times and do the lightest possible pressure between bed and nozzle. But really the proper test is your first layer. It should be squished a bit so that each trace is wider than it is tall and the traces should have almost no gap between them. Yet if you are printing too close to the bed, then the pressure will build up (no place for PLA to go) and you will get skips of the extruder causing zero extrusion for a few seconds on the bottom layer.
I prefer .3mm for the bottom layer so my leveling doesn't have to be quite as perfect.
I can usually go a month or more without re-leveling once I get it really good.
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