I don't think it's a bed releveling thing as the bottom layers look okay.
1) Did the part slip? Did it come off the bed during printing?
2) UM Original or UM2 printer?
3) Well it looks maybe too hot. On Um2 default settings aren't ideal - default bed is 75C. Lower that to 60C. Slow the print down a bit - whatever you were printing at, try 2/3 speed.
4) Could the printer have slipped or lost steps? It looks like each layer lines up properly with the layer below but maybe not?
5) Make sure the side fans are working (or single side fan on UM1). If fans aren't on then that could explain everything. A quick way to test the fans on UM2 is to click PRINT, then choose anything, then go immediately to TUNE menu (this will keep the print from starting). Then go to the fans setting and crank them to 100%. If they don't start spinning don't panic - it's easy to fix - post your results. First step for fixing the fans is to slide up that plastic sleeving at the top of the print head and expose the fan wiring underneath is 90% of the time that's where it fails.
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donmilne 2
Did you try re-levelling the bed?
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