I know, but the website did have that info, it changed shortly after.
It is a Kit, i forgot to put it on the title... how long did it take for you to get yours?
Im just afraid of waiting another month for it...
I know, but the website did have that info, it changed shortly after.
It is a Kit, i forgot to put it on the title... how long did it take for you to get yours?
Im just afraid of waiting another month for it...
Lead times get long, then short. Things change. There was a huge sale mid winter that lots of people took advantage of but I think the kit sales are back to normal. Usually delays are caused by some late part. Back in 2012 it came in 2 weeks which was a minor problem as I expected it to take longer and so I had to wait another 2 weeks for my birthday and it was worse than not having it at all. I *really* wanted to open that box but my wife made me wait.
But if you look around on the forums there are at least 2 posts in the last 7 days (probably last 3 days) that discuss lead times of the kit. Google might help - I'm not sure. In google you can specify a site to search like this:
site:umforum.ultimaker.com lead time original kit
It will only return stuff from this forum. Then only look at stuff dated in May 2014.
While you wait you can read completely through this once:
yeah... i already ate all that info sometime ago xD
im aware of the current situation and lead times, i posted because im really anxious about getting it and there is nothing else i can do about it
I don't want to disencourage you, but I'm waiting for 10 weeks now, and didn't even get reliable shipment date. I asked the customer support several times. In my last request I just got a "when-it's-done-"like answer...
Hi Felix and Evilpoltergeist,
Please send me your order number in a PM.
I will see what I can do for you.
Thank you for your time!
Hi Felix and Evilpoltergeist,
Using your email and our communication system I have been able to find your order numbers and since we are sending a large batch of Ultimaker Original's out today I double checked and both your Ultimakers are scheduled to be shipped out today!
Hopefully that is some satisfying news and you will be able to start your 3D print adventure soon
Let me know if you have any further questions,
I just received it
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gr5 2,224
5 weeks sounds about right. Somewhere on this forum people have posted (at least 2 posts in the past week) their personal experience of lead time. I think there is a shortage of filament right now so for some orders if they think they will get the filament within a few days they might delay a shipment but usually they know you'd rather get the filament in a later shipment. I have no idea why the website would say 1-3 days. That doesn't sound right at all - that's just the delivery part. When I ordered my UM Original kit (in 2012) it said something like around 4-6 weeks on the website. And ordering it assembled will likely add quite a bit of time also.
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