Have you updated to the latest firmware? The print startup as changed and instead of having the head and build plate moving at the same time, now the build plate rise, head extrude filament a bit and then move in position. This makes a big difference in the risk of having the long filament get in the print. There is still extrusion going on while the head is moving but its much better now.
The new firmaware also fix a build plate height issue (changing start height from print to print)
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Dim3nsioneer 558
If your object just has a skirt or a brim on the outside then it should not end up in the print itself; that would be a bit strange. Or the object must have a quite concave cross section.
However, I know the effect from brims printed on the inside of a larger cutout or bore. What I do sometimes is to pull on the string in exactly the moment the nozzle passes the string. This is a quite good way to remove the string without destroying the brim.
The only way to turn off the priming at the start of the print would be to change the start behaviour in the firmware which is not recommended as it is the optimized result of quite some work done by people at Ultimaker and here in the forum.
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