Thanks for the hint. But the problems persists at every print.
In X-Ray Mode everything is ok with the models.
The problem persists at every print, not only on the print at the picture.
Thanks for the hint. But the problems persists at every print.
In X-Ray Mode everything is ok with the models.
The problem persists at every print, not only on the print at the picture.
Try to add a cut-off of something like 0.01mm to 0.05mm in Cura. Numerical uncertainties in the z coordinate can leed to such an effect; e.g. parts designed with Blender are affected by such uncertainties.
Ok, i can try that.
My parts are created with PTC Creo 2.0.
Edit (24.07.2014 11 am):
Tried the same print with the same settings, just to be sure that the problems persists on the same place of the model. The problem is reproducible at the same place.
GCode Flavor "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" worked well in the past.
Tested the same print with GCode Flavor "UltiGCode" and the problem is gone.
So something doesn't work right with GCode Flavor "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" since the newer (14.xx) versions of Cura.
So, i did another printjob and the problems persists.
Printed with "UltiGCode" and a cut-off of 0.01 as Dim3nsioneer suggested.
Before the parts of the layer misses, the extruder motor tries to extrude a lot of filament, but he skips, the movement keeps going to another point far away from the printpoint. You can see it in the first pictures.
I tested it with Cura 14.07, Cura 14.03, Cura 13.12, all the same. I don't know what the problem could be.
The problem appears on own created STL-Files and on downloaded STL-Files (YouMagine, Thingiverse).
Do you always safely eject the SD card?
No, i don't. But i can try that this afternoon.
No, i don't. But i can try that this afternoon.
Might be too late. But this is exactly why there is this eject button in Cura.
I took a better look at your photo. And what's actually happening, is that a part of the GCode is skipped. This can have all kinds of reasons, including an incomplete write of the GCode on the card. However, it could also mean your card is corrupted.
Without safely ejecting the card, Cura cannot know if the GCode is actually completely physically on the card. It could still be writing to the card. If you pull out the card then, the GCode file will be incomplete (and most likely corrupt).
BUT, even worse pulling out an SD card during writing to it can permanently corrupt it. Nothing can fix it, formatting does not help when this happens. Internal logic in the card is corrupt.
I do recommend formatting the card before the next use, as it can also be filesystem corruption, which can be fixed by a format. After that, always, always safely eject.
I did tons of testing on SD cards for my previous job. No SD card we tried was safe from this corruption, which resulted in SD cards being unfit for what we wanted to do. Testing for permanent corruption is hard, as the corruption does not stay in the same space on the card, it moves around causing all kinds of possible problems.
Maybe it can be the SD-Card, i can't remember if the problems started with my new SD Card. But it can be, the original SD-Card from my Ultimaker broke and i had to use a new one.
I will try formatting the SD-Card an do some test prints. If the problem persists i will try a new SD-Card.
I'm sorry, but i can't find the "eject"-button in Cura. I have 3 buttons: "Load", "Toolpath to SD" and "Share on YouMagine".
Even in the menu i can't find and eject entry.
Edit: i found the eject-button
Hey Daid,
i just want to give feedback, it was my SD-Card.
Yesterday i did one 5h, two 2h and one 1hour print without any problems with a new SD-Card.
Thanks for your help!!!
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Blizz 53
Just to be sure it's not the model: Did you try to enable the "X-ray" view mode to see that your model is fully manifold?
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