Guess I'll reformat the SD card, then, and try again.
Perhaps a watchdog timer is needed, to abort automatically when this sort of thing happens. Some materials would make a real mess of your nozzle if they sat at extrusion temperature all weekend.
Guess I'll reformat the SD card, then, and try again.
Perhaps a watchdog timer is needed, to abort automatically when this sort of thing happens. Some materials would make a real mess of your nozzle if they sat at extrusion temperature all weekend.
Guess I'll reformat the SD card, then, and try again.
Perhaps a watchdog timer is needed, to abort automatically when this sort of thing happens. Some materials would make a real mess of your nozzle if they sat at extrusion temperature all weekend.
I agree that a watchdog timer might be useful. On the other hand no 3D printer should be left unattended for a whole weekend. It's something one wouldn't do with a burning candle, right?
There are several options to watch and even control your UM on-line,
I like to keep en eye out when I'm at work
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Dim3nsioneer 558
Most likely the file on the sdcard is incomplete due to:
- unmounting the sdcard without having it properly ejected first or
- a sdcard defect
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