@twistx, thanks, but no...The screws are greased just fine.
Picture this - You've got a large part printing...probably takes 5 minutes just to do 1 layer. You're about 2 minutes into a layer, where the z screw should not be moving at all, and it starts to take on a mind of its own. It starts click every 2 seconds or so.
Now, the screw is nice and greased. It slides up and down smooth. It homes good, it prints good (otherwise).
From what I gather, the stepper motor always has current? Maybe there's an interruption in the current flow?
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twistx 0
Haven't had this happen myself but have you applied some of the grease that came with your machine to the screw? When the z motor let's go after a print my bed will sit at its last position but if I give it a just a little downward pressure it will slide down to its home position on its own. There should be very little friction.
Also could it be some bits of PLA are stuck in the threads?
It sounds like a mechanical issue more than a software one to me.
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