If you're already leveled, you should be able to just click through everything except step 1 (or 4) of the leveling wizard (where you move the entire buildplate vertically). Just move the plate to the right height, don't touch any screws, and you should be set. You probably have to do this regardless since I assume that the Z-offset from your previous level would have been lost when you reset the printer anyways.
Not sure about the filament loading, but I'd think probably you can just cancel out of that step when you get there? If not it seems like anyone who happens to reset the printer settings with filament still loaded would be kind of screwed.
Though you could probably just click through the filament insertion too. The worst that should happen is that the extruder will either tick back a lot or grind the filament when it tries to forward material that's already been forwarded. I've had a similar thing happen a few times (as far as I can tell because there's some sort of firmware bug that triggers if you move/swap filament often without printing or restarting in between that causes the printer to start forwarding new filament too far when it loads; so now I always turn the printer off and on before I swap filament), and although the sounds the printer makes when it tries to forward material that's already at the printhead aren't pleasant it doesn't seem like any damage occurs. Or if damage does occur, it's to the filament rather than to the feeder.
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formtech-3d 0
no one had this issue yet?
or am i just the silly one who reset to default with filament already installed?
i dont want to run through the first run wizard and then when it gets to the filament loading i damage my feeder as there is already filament
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