Sketchup is difficult with Cura but I've used it many times with success. YOu can't have any duplicate walls or intersecting walls or missing walls or holes in your walls or interior walls. Any of those will show up red in Cura xray view.
Even if you do you can often just check "fix horrible A" or B and that often fixes it. You can tell in layer view as labern says above. Don't try to print it until you look at it in layer view. Check *every* layer - slide through the layers one at a time.
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Labern 775
In Cura on the RHS there is view mode. select layers and if support structure is going to be printed you can see it there before you even try printing it.
there are a few settings you can adjust for support structure. sometimes it doesn't print if the item is thin or small or if its at a set angle.
If you select FULL SETTINGS then go to OPEN EXPERT SETTINGS then you see a section called Support. there you can adjust the support amount and the overhang angle. Without seeing you model its hard to know what wrong. but you can adjust those the look at the layer view and see if it will print the support.
Sketchup Also saves as STL file. STL is the most widely used format.
If you look at the X-Ray mode it will show up any problems with your model in red.
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