Hi Daid,
okay, I loaded the file from /Applications/Cura/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/Cura.po
If you open the file, you will see there are missing translations, BUT a lot of the translations are just not shown in cura. I will try to list all wrong parts..
Starting with the Menubar
Hide Cura
Hide others
Show all
Quit Cura
Reload Platform
Print all at once
Print one at a time
Install default firmware (there is a translation, but in the line below)
Open expert settings
Now the Interface
Select a quickprint profile
Basic (<-the word itself)
Infotext for Brim/Raft
Advanced (<- the word itself)
Initial layer line width +Infotext
Infotext for overlapping dual extrusion
Infotext for Travel speed
Infotext for infill speed
outer shell speed + Infotext
inner shell speed + Infotext
Infotext for layertime
Expert config
All headlines in english like Retraction, Skirt, Cool, Infill....
Infotext for Minimal extrusion before retracting
z hop + Infotext
Fan full on at height + Infotext
Infotext for minimal speed
Structure type + Infotext
Overhang angle for support + Infotext
Infotext for fill amount
Blackmagic complete in englisch
Infotext for extra margin
Airgap + Infotext
Surface layers + Infotext
Fix horrible all Infotexts in english
I hope this helps you.
You have to guide me through the next steps.
greeting Dirk
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Daid 306
For updating the translations, you want poedit:
This is an editing suite for the language files.
Next, you want to edit the language files. These are .po files in side of Cura. In the windows version they are at Cura/resources/locale
On MacOS, you need to open the package contents (right click, show contents) and find the .po files there in the resources.
With poedit you can edit these files, and update the translation. While you could update the po files trough git, that's complex, you can also email me the updated file, at d.braam@ultimaker.com
As for parts that miss translation, could be 3 things, could be that in the po file there is no translation made. Could be that it's not in the po file, but that it's properly marked in the code for translating. Or, it could be that it's not marked for translation at all. Best would be to tell/show screenshot for these parts, so I can figure out which of these 3 it is.
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