Yes, ideally for a cleanly printable mesh you need to boolean. Cura attempt to slice it properly anyways if you have Fix horrible A on. (which is on by default). But better and more predictable if you provide a proper mesh for slicing.
I can't remember if it was C4D or another program that did this, but extruding text doesn't create a proper capped surface that welds onto the sides. If there are holes and non-matching topology it's going to give you problems.
Ideally for printing you need an entirely enclosed volume with no interpenetration and double faces.
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scooby 0
I haven't used boolean software in a few years, I primarily use solidworks now, so I may not be too helpful but I remember running into problems with infill if the boolean union had scrambled geometry due to crazy curves. I also just started using meshmaker for creating my own custom support for my prints, and I noticed that the program is used primarily for making boolean meshes. its free you should check it out if the problem persists. Sorry I'm not more helpful, figured I should toss out a few ideas.
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