Turns out the z axis limit switch was bend witch screwed up the home position at the start of printing.
fixed that, re leveld the bed and it seems to be better now, but still not the way it was with the blue tape
Turns out the z axis limit switch was bend witch screwed up the home position at the start of printing.
fixed that, re leveld the bed and it seems to be better now, but still not the way it was with the blue tape
I can't remember the magic numbers but I think hotter on the bed helps like 80c - 85. Then reduce it some to like 75 after the first layer.
For me, when printing XT, hairspray really helps. I just spray it on a paper towel with the nozzle up close so it pools a little and then I swipe it over the glass plate.
I got it printing decently, but now i am experiencing warping even worse as before !
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Dim3nsioneer 558
What is the first layer speed? 20mm/s?
Would you mind posting a picture of the first layer?
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