Every now and the side fans set themselves to 1-3% speed (but are actually off). I had set them to be on and at 100% in Cura and have reset them on the machine a few times now but after about 5 mins the set themselves back off... Any advice?
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I would suggest you check the connectors to the fans by moving the black braided cable above the print head when they have slowed. If the come back to life you have a problem with these wires.
On my printer the wires eventually pulled out of the connector blocks (I think they are only crimped in), I had to resurrect my soldering skills, if this is the problem you will need to disassemble the print head to check the connectors
This may seem daunting the first time but its not that difficult really
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tinkergnome 927
In Cura there is an option "Fan full on at height (mm) (in the "Cool"-section of the expert-settings).
Can you check the value (the tooltip gives a short explanation)?
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