It's not a "JST XHP-2"
It's a "MOLEX KK 22/01/2025"
Dang, you mean i actually looked too fast and took the wrong connector number out of the documentation :/
JST XHP-2 is the one used for all limit switches and stuff, not the PT100 sensor connection, as Daid said that uses another connector (MOLEX KK 22/01/2025)
May I ask if that documentation you looked it up to is public? I checked the Bill Of Materials document from GIT, but there the Sensor is only listed as one item.
Sensor is one item. We buy it as one item.
But if you look at the documentation of that item you will see that it's made of, and what the requirements are for the item.
reibuehl: i looked in the file "Main Board V2.1.1.pdf" from github, and scrolled down to the schematics section where the mating connector model is specificed, from that you can easily find out what the connector on the sensor are.
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meduza 191
It is a JST XHP-2
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