Nope this appears to be a bug in Cura 15. Change back to the old version and it is fine. Mine was doing the same thing when i first got my printer friday and I thought it was defective. I releveled my bed about 8 times before I figured out it wasn't me.
If I use a raft it tries to print in the air (starts the main model at like layer 6 or 7). It seemed to only make the base of the raft in the area that needs support rather than under the entire model.
If I use supports at all it won't 't try to print any of my model on layer 1.
The nice thing is one I realized what was happening I can now check for it in the layer view prior to wasting filament and making a mess.
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gr5 2,229
Something is wrong with your model then. Either walls too thin, or the part is not manifold. Something like that. If you look at it in xray mode is there any red? Red is a problem. Sometimes you can fix this with the "fix horrible" checkboxes in advanced settings. Sometimes you have to fix the model.
Please post a photo of the model in cura in normal view, and xray view and slice view.
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