Goto the expert options, in "black magic" there is "only follow mesh surface" this will most likely do what you want.
This is the limited case where this option is for :-)
Goto the expert options, in "black magic" there is "only follow mesh surface" this will most likely do what you want.
This is the limited case where this option is for :-)
I was wondering what that did
If you want inner walls and not just outer walls you might have to make the walls .81mm thick (not .41) to get Cura to slice it. But the "black magic" feature is worth trying. Make sure you look at the results in slice view before deciding if it worked.
Thank you for everyone!
First, I have tried the advice from Daid.
The way of extruding material, path(red lines in Cura), is exactly what I was looking for. But I met two additional issues with the way .
1. How to control the thickness of printed shell with using the option of Only follow mesh surface in Black Magic?
When the shell is printed with option of Only follow mesh surface, one layer is completed with only one extruding path.
2. Is it impossible to print inside surfaces?
Inside surfaces cannot be recognized in Layers View Mode and cannot be sliced as below images.
Second, I have a question with gr5's advice.
1. Does the inner walls which you mentioned mean the surfaces which cannot be recognized in Cura which was mentioned in my above question?
>If you want inner walls and not just outer walls you might have to make the walls .81mm thick (not .41) to get Cura to slice it.
If so,
I tried to make the walls .81mm. But there is no change in recognizing and slicing the inner walls in Cura.
Could you please let me know what I have to do in next step?
Third, I have tried thicken the surface for solid geometry which was advised from Solid Print 3D.
But at present, I am suspending the way, because there is the part which go wrong when it is thickened.
Thank you again,
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A surface model has 0 thickness, so it's not actually a solid or closed mesh. You'll have to use the thicken command (that's what inventor calls it, not sure what it's called in Rhino) to apply thickness to the surfaces. This will turn it into a measurable solid. I would start with a thickness of .42mm or greater, depending on how many passes you want the print head to take.
*Note: The printer will always take at least 2 passes.
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