I think he's using repetier host for viewing gcode. Not certain. It's free - try it. Pretty easy to use and you can look at 3d image in left pane and actual gcode in right pane and highlight just one command in gcode and see it in the left pane.
I think he's using repetier host for viewing gcode. Not certain. It's free - try it. Pretty easy to use and you can look at 3d image in left pane and actual gcode in right pane and highlight just one command in gcode and see it in the left pane.
What happens at layer 175 in Cura should certainly not be allowed to happen. The thing is that in order to prevent the double inner perimeter, a lot of computation time will be sacrificed. I will add an option which prevents it. It will probably be in a release over a month or so, however.
Yes, I am using Repetier Host for viewing and running the printer (these are printed on a Printrbot Metal Simple, not an Ultimaker).
I was using a .4mm nozzle, .8mm shell thickness, 100% infill. Retraction was enabled, set to 3mm.
Changing the infill has no effect on this. Even setting infill to 0% results in the same path generation in the thin wall areas. So it appears that the paths are being generated as part of the perimeter, not infill, calculations.
As a note, the Cura print specified using about 10 percent more filament than the Slic3r.
I'm fine with using which ever slicing program will yield the better results on ant given part, so Slic3r works out better for this one with thin walls, but Cura generates better support structures than Slic3r so there are times I'll want to use it instead, and maybe have thin walls. So I'm trying to figure out if there is a solution to this.
Thanks for the help!
The ultimaker software team is working on a solution. The new Cura will have an option which makes the handling of thin walls better.
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Daid 306
Pretty sure you're using different infill rates just seeing from those pictures.
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