What machine do you use? UMO or UM2?
On umo you could unscrew the part left inside. If you had pla leaking probably was because the nozzle must be set in place cold (not fully) then heating the hotend to 150-200 you tight (no need for brute force just until it's ok).
On umo you can use many M6 nozzles. The ones from ultimaker/reprap/e3d. If you use E3D nozzles you will need to move the bed stop since the length it's different. There are a few good videos onyoutube about changing nozzles.
If your machine it's um2. Then as reibuehl said you might want to take the opportunity and get an olsson block.
The part left inside (if your machhine its the umo) the problem should be that without heat you might damage the block unscrewing it. Also get proper heat gloves. I got a small burn of 0.4mm because I didn't use it the first time I changed nozzles.
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reibuehl 42
Could be that you need to replace the heater cartridge and the temperature sensor too, depending on the way it is broken. I think I would try to take a Dremel to cut a new slit into the broken screw. Do you have a picture?
For parts, check http://3dsolex.com/ they sell the replacement parts and an alternative heating block that has exchangeable nozzles.
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